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全部文章 admin 2020-04-23 909 次浏览

【视频】旅行,是一种回归申凤善 蛮荒仙道!(逻辑口语赏析)-ieltsspeaking稷山吧

旅行,是为走出去,也是为回归王的男妃 。一些人积攒护照上的印戳以炫耀人生经历机械特工 ,一些人视旅行为塑造人格、为人生履历添辉的工具齐王筑城,每个人对旅行的意义都有独特的认知。而在作者看来高缇耶 ,旅行其实是"兜转一圈,于是更爱自己"的经历运城灵通资讯 。从文化差异中更深刻地了解本国文化雅儿贝德,于是更热爱自己的文化属性,这就是旅行的意义味全每日c 。
In the UK we often equate life experience, especially amongst younger generations, with the number of stamps in your passport. That is to say travel is regarded as an enriching life experience that will make your C.V. stand out amongst the other thousand applicants. Travel is not simply a pursuit of leisure but also "character-building", "defining" and potentially "career-boosting".
I can agree that for most of us at university打雪仗的英文 , we would collectively agree that we have all caught the "travel bug". Most of the people I know here at university experience that same itch to get in a plane天堂回信, train, bus or car and escape the hectic stress of deadlines and seminars that usually surrounds us. But I don't think赫兹中国, as UK students慎小嶷博客, we can blame our addiction to international travel simply on a stressful life. But really I think we are the first generation in a truly open world电击男 , where we can get anywhere对节白蜡, see anything and experience every culture under the sun,任珈锐 at the click of a button罗克佳华 , the purchase of a ticket.
equate life experiencewith the number of stamps
将旅行经历和图章等同 【探索词搭-头脑】
amongst younger generation
在年轻人中间 【人物词搭】
an enriching life experience
一个丰富的人生经历 【感受词搭】
make your C.V. stand out
使你的简历非常漂亮 【欲望词搭】
a pursuit of leisure
娱乐的追求 【感受词搭】
塑造性格的 【感受词搭】
提升职业的 【感受词搭】
catch the "travel bug"
得了旅行癖 【探索词搭-手脚】
experience that same itch
经历过同样的心痒痒 【探索词搭-心灵】
get in a plane
上飞机 【探索词搭-手脚】
escape the hectic stress
逃离忙碌的压力 【探索词搭-手脚】
blame our addiction to international travel simply on a stressful life
将对国际旅行的痴迷归因于有压力的生活 【探索词搭-头脑】
in a truly open world
在一个真实开放的世界 【地点词搭】
get anywhere
去任何地方 【探索词搭-手脚】
see anything
看任何东西 【探索词搭-眼睛】
experience every culture
体验每一种文化 【探索词搭-心灵】
under the sun
在阳光下 【地点词搭】
雅思口语考官看了这个视频,连说“oh凄厉人妻,my god!”
(该视频详细阐述了逻辑口语原理翁文成 ,怕被颠覆三观千万别看)

回复“词搭”:快要考试了,我要高分观点还要轻松说出来崔明秀 ,这么贪心有救嘛?